Miss Across the Sea (Eng): DIY: Anniversary Box

DIY: Anniversary Box

January 09, 2018

Finally! It's been two years between my boyfriend and me. What I could tell you, our relations is not always face the happy stories. Moreover, if we are faced something from my visa. This made our mood up and down. But, since visa is the most important thing for now, we should face it, no matter what.

Anyway, last October was our second anniversary (yaay!!). Maybe for some people anniversary doesn't mean anything. But for us it's so important. Really, this is so important. Because one of the conditions for me to apply partner visa in Australia is we have minimum 12 months relationship. The longer you have the faster they provide the visa for you. Waiting time? Two years.

Also read: Things You Have to Aware if You Have Multiple Entry Visitor Visa Australia

Beside, Australian imigration also have lots of conditions that based on your relations. My boyfriend said, they do that to avoid people who just want to have permanent visa without having serious relations with their partner. Because, once you are grant for permanent visa in Australia, you will have the same right with Australian citizen.

Since one month before was my boyfriend's birthday, and I also made a birthday card for him, so at the same time I bought some things to made him our anniversary card too. Just like the other, the more often you do craft, the more you want the difficult level rise. That's what I did. Since last year I also made the birthday and anniversary cards and it is easy, and the month before I made a little bit difficult card, so for this anniversary card, my level also a little bit difficult than before.

Also Read: DIY Birthday Card for the Second Time 

For this card you don't need lots of materials. I made it as simple as I can, because I still didn't have a lots of fund too:
  • If you have A4 carton paper, you can use that, minimum two colours, you will made two different colours inside and outside. If you don't have the carton paper, you can use a normal one, and use the colours paper, which often used by kindergarten for making a folding things from paper.
  • Pencil, ruler, glue and scissor.
  • Any kinds of pictures and word art, you can find it at internet, or made by your self. Or you can find it at craft store.
This is how I made it, and it is average difficult, LOL.

  • First, from our A4 paper in landscape, make a straight line for 8.5cm.
  • from up make a straight line for 5.5cm, then at the end of the5.5cm line, you make another straight landscape line, so you will have two sides paper, up and down (see picture).
  • Then from the middle line, made four different lines each ares:2cm; 4cm;6cm; and 8cm. The you have the 0.5cm.
  • For the 5.5cm sides, you made a continued lines from up to middle line, while the rest are dotted lines. You will cut the continued lines and will fold the dotted lines. 
  • At the last .5cm doted lines, made an oblique line and this line will cut (see picture)
  • After you finish make the line, all you going to do is cut all the continued lines and fold the dotted ones. 
  • The you made the buffer paper for the middle box pictures. All you going to do just prepare two same size papers, with 8cm long. And measure each sides 2cm long, then fold the edge different way.
  • Glue the 0.5cm side paper to the other side of the paper until you made the box shape.
  • Then put the buffer papers at the middle of the box. Glue the 2cm sides that you already fold before to the inside of the box.
  • Once you finish all of that, all you going to do is just do your creativity. Put all the pictures and word art that you have prepared before to the box.

The box is finish. 

If you compare with the example picture, it is not really that perfect, but hey it is my first time made something like this, LOL.
So, would you like to try it too?
Don't forget to tell me when you try it :)
Happy trying...

sharing is caring

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